Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed

Product Name: Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed

Click here to get Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.



If you’re
a man who has ever had a bad sexual experience, had
a woman leave him for another man, and find yourself
stck in a boring, sex-less relationship, then
this may be the most important message you ever read!

I’m about
to reveal something to you that you’re not going to
believe. But know this: It’s all TRUE…

#1: 60% of Married Women will cheat
on their husbands, and more disturbingly, the
will feel absolutely NO GUILT about it whatsoever
because they feel entitled to the good feelings
sex with another man will give them.

#2: A whopping 90% of women will LIE
to their lover about experiencing orgasms during
lovemaking to spare their lover’s feelings.
However, these same women are more prone to
have affairs outside their relationship to be
sexually satisfied and break their lover’s heart
in the process.

#3: 70% of men report that after being
married, sex with their wives goes down dramatically
and sometimes even stops completely. This is
usually because sex becomes “boring”
or “routine” for the woman, and the
man doesn’t know how to re-kindle that flame
with his same bog-of-tricks in bed.

#4: 85% of relationships end because
the woman is sexually unsatisfied with her partner
and is looking for a man who can fullfill her
needs in the bedroom. What’s more, most men
will never know this, and continue to suffer
one break-up after another because they don’t
bother to improve their sexual prowess.

Let’s face
the facts:

It’s important
to men, but even more so, it’s important to women

There is
a big myth in this world that women don’t enjoy sex
as much as men do. That is a FLAT OUT LIE!
In most cases, women enjoy sex even MORE than men

But that
myth exists because: 75%
of men don’t know how to give women orgasms!!!!

but true.

Too often,
men will chaulk up their failures with women to issues
they have no control over. Things like penis size,
premature ejaculation, looks, build, money — whatever.


The only
thing that matters is your ability to give a woman
not just one, but MULTIPLE orgasms in bed!
(more on this later)

But the
really scary thing is…

talk about why sex techniques are so important.

Right now,
there are approximately 16,222,181 people in the world
with full blown AIDS!

56,122,303 are HIV Positive.

On a worldwide
basis, most of these people did not become HIV Positive
because they were drug addicts sharing needles…
or… because they received it in a blood transfusion…
or… because they were having gay sex.

it or not, 81% of worldwide cases of HIV and AIDS
are caused by the simple act of a straight man having
sex with a straight woman.

why, if you are in a monogamous relationship or if
you are married, it is more important than ever NOT
to go outside your relationship for sex!

Can you
guess the biggest reason people cheat on their partners
or commit adultery? It’s very simple…

Because They Are Bored With The Sex Life They Have
At Home!
Let’s face reality here: If you can’t give a woman
what she wants, she will go someplace (and to someone)
else to get it. And while she’s sneaking around behind
your back trying desperately to get a simple little
orgasm, she will be EXPOSING YOU to the possibility
of contracting an STD.

Do you
remember taking Sex Education in High School?

You know,
when they showed you those cheesy videos about the
birds and the bees?

Do you
even remember what those videos were about?

Let me
refresh your memory: Teenage pregnancy. Sexually Transmitted
Diseases. Ruining your life by having sex. Common
questions and insecurities about sex.

Most of
these teachings are meant to SCARE YOU into not having

In fact,
most of society tries to hide any knowledge about
sex from you!

Sex has
become the biggest Taboo in the world. Think about
it… how often are men chastised for wanting to have
sex with a woman? For thinking about sex? For displaying
their own God-given sexuality?


Just watch
any TV show with a guy who’s out looking to pick up
a woman. He’s instantly labled as a “sleaze bag”
because he just wants to have sex.

But it’s
not just a problem with men. Women have it too.

From a
young age, women are taught that it’s WRONG to have

If they
have sex, they’re labled a slut and ostricised. They’re
told they’re going to get pregnant if they have sex
and their lives will be ruined. They’re told virginity
is something to be cherished and held onto at all

Most women
are even afraid to look at their genitals because
they’re told they are “dirty.”

And because
of this training, most people grow up not knowing
how to experience the joys of sex! In fact, finding
a partner who’s actually GOOD at sex is so rare, that
most women will cling to him like the only life preserver
left in the ocean!

Look, women
are STARVED for good lovers.

Just because
a woman agrees to be your girlfriend or your wife
DOES NOT MEAN you satisfy her in the bedroom.

Women enter
into relationships for many reasons. Things like security
or emotional connection can play a big role in these

But the
biggest factor in a successful relationship is the
elephant in the room that everyone’s trying to ignore:

Here is
what being a skilled lover will do for you…

Now are
you starting to see why this stuff is so importnat?

What those
sex ed videos from High School should have been teaching
you is how to please a woman instead of how to ignore
her (and your own) sexuality.

So many
men have no idea how a woman’s body works, or what
it responds to. In fact, I’d even go so far as to
say that 95% of men are completely CLUELESS when it
comes to female anatomy.

They just
know that “the penis goes in the vagina”
and that’s that.

a lot more too it than that. But so many guys look
at a woman’s body like blueprints for a thermo-electric
nuclear fusion generator… WAY too complicated!

But the
secret that almost no man knows is: It’s actually
very easy to give a woman an orgasm!

just need to know WHAT to do!

And once
you know how to give a woman ONE orgasm, you can give
her MULTIPLE orgasms with no problem at all.

If you
are interested in having an incredible sex life, there
is a new course that has some of the most exciting
secrets you will ever read.

This is
the course they should have given you in school.

You see,
not too long ago, I was in the same situation you
are. I did not know a SINGLE THING about how to please
a woman in the bedroom. (in fact, it was a topic of
much trepidation for me).

But then,
something strange happened…

I was at
a trendy nightclub in Los Angeles one night looking
to meet a woman I could take home and try to pleasure.
And that’s when I saw him…

There was
a short, pasty-white man with a pot-belly and thinning
hair walking through the club with no less than FOUR
drop-dead gorgeous women hanging all over him. Seriously,
these girls were trying their hardest to get his attention
– even though they were already with him!

My first
thought was “this guy must be rich.” Because
no man who looked like that could ever get four women
that hot to compete for his affections any other way.

So figuring
he had more women than he knew what to do with, I
approached one of the women he was with, thinking
I could steal her away…

she flat-out REJECTED me right there!

When I
asked her what made this guy so special, her answer
shocked me. She said:

the greatest lover I’ve ever had, and no man could
ever do to me the things he can!”

At this
point, I was hooked. I HAD to find out what this man
knew that was driving these women so crazy.

So I walked
up to him and introduced myself. He greeted me enthusiastically,
seemingly relieved to have a break from the four women
buzzing around him, and we got to talking.

It turns
out that not only was he pretty average looking, but
he was also almost COMPLETELY broke! He was attending
graduate school and living off of student loans.

This meant
that each woman was there because they were OBSESSED
with him!

So I cut
to the chase.

I begged
him to tell me his secret.

He told
me one (just ONE) technique he uses called “The
Secret Twitch.” He told me to go out and use
just that one trick, and I’ll be able to give any
woman multiple orgasms for hours on end!

to say, I didn’t believe him. Just one technique couldn’t
do that! I’d studied every book on the subject, and
nowhere did I find ANYTHING remotely like it.

But then,
while I was on a business trip to Europe, I met a
beautiful Russian woman who I ended up taking back
to my hotel room. And as we were taking off our clothes,
I decided to use the “Secret Twitch” on

To my surprise,
I was able to give her FIVE screaming

done that before!

And then,
as we were lying in my bed in each other’s arms, she
looked up at me and said something I will never forget…

man has ever been able to please me like that before!”

right. With just that one simple technique, it didn’t
matter how big my penis was or how long I was able
to go before climaxing… I was suddenly a better
lover than 99.9% of the other men out there!

Now that
I had a taste for being the greatest lover a woman
ever had, I was obsessed with learning more!

It was like HEROIN.

If just
ONE of this guy’s techniques was that incredible,
I needed to learn ALL of his secrets!

As soon
as I got back to Los Angeles, I called him up and
told him about my success with his technique.

I then
begged him to teach me more.

It took
a while for him to trust me enough to share his nuclear
arsenal of sex secrets with me, but my hard work and
perseverance really paid off (for both you and me).

what I mean.

I got
him to go on tape revealing some of his most powerful
and mind-blowing sex secrets!

I put this
special recording under lock-and-key in a special
fireproof safe that I keep in my home to protect my
most valuable possessions. I’m also looking into getting
it insured — I consider it that valuable.

in all my studies, I have not found the information
this guy shared with me that night in ANY books, videos,
or audio courses — anywhere.

This was
all stuff he discovered and developed on his own,
and I was the only one he’d ever shared it with!

The man
I met is David Van Arrick.

He’s a
certified hypnotist, master martial artist, and a
doctor skilled in Eastern Medical Practices. And he
was able to combine his knowledge of the human mind
and body to discover every last dirty little secret
about the female body!

And after
delving into the swinger scene and having sex with,
literally, 2,377 women — he was
able to perfect his techniques beyond even his wildest

Here is
what he’s agreed to reveal in this special interview:

And that’s
just the tip of the iceberg. David’s techniques are
so powerful, and so simple to master, I’m amazed that
no one’s been able to think of them before!

It’s one
thing to talk about these techniques. It’s quite another
to see the results they will bring you.

Here are
REAL testimonials from REAL people
who will give you REAL proof about the effectiveness
of these secrets…

needs to give Van Arrick a f**kin’ medal! I
used one of David’s oral techniques on this
girl I was dating to give her multiple orgasms.
She goes and tells all her friends how great
I am in the sack, next thing I know, I’ve got
three women THROWING themselves at me! I’m having
so much sex now I can barely walk!”

T., New York

I just wanted to write to thank you for your
course! I’d been suffering in quiet desperation
with my husband’s poor lovemaking skills for
years. When I came across your secret orgasm
tips, it was like a godsend. After showing it
to my husband, we tried it that night, and I
had not one, not two, but THREE orgasms (finally!).
Now I can’t get enough, and both my husband
and I are happier than ever.”

S., Colorado

Joe and David,

three relationships that ended with the girl
leaving me for another man, I knew something
was wrong. I just didn’t know what. When I got
my new girlfriend, I didn’t want it to end like
the others. I took a chance on your course,
and boy, am I glad I did! Your stuff doesn’t
just work – it blows everything elseout of the
way! Not only do I now have the strongest relationship
in the world, I know she’ll never cheat on me
with another man! Thanks!”

K., Ohio

your fingering techniques alone were worth the
cost of admission. I never thought I’d be able
to have a woman orgasm with just my fingers.

H., United Kingdom

your tactics saved my marriage. My wife and
I were on our way to break-up-central because
she wasn’t giving me the sex I wanted. Little
did I know, she craved it just as much as me,
but I couldn’t please her! After trying out
your course, the flood gates opened (in more
ways than one), and it feels like we’re teenagers
again! I can’t thank you enough.”

B., Australia

always been insecure about a woman faking her
orgasms with me, wondering if I was actually
a good lover. After using your one orgasms that
women can’t fake technique, I now finally know
for CERTAIN that I’m delivering what I need

F., Texas

used to be really scared about taking women
to bed because I was ashamed of the size of
my d*ck. I’d think they’d laugh at me. I tried
all sorts of pills and pumps to make it bigger,
and nothing worked. I took a shot at your course,
and now I have women lining up to sleep with
me! And you know what they all say? That I’m
a great lover! My d*ck is still small, but all
these girls want me more than any other guy.
What a great feeling.”

G., California

You can’t
make-up praise like that! Each and every person listed
above is real and got that result after listening
to this ground-breaking new course.

Let’s be

Sex is
a natural function of human beings, and villifying
the act is WRONG.

Human beings
thrive on sex, and it’s an essential factor in ANY
serious relationship you have with the opposite sex.

To ignore
that is to deny your true nature as a Man.

thing you can do is give into this myth that sex is
a bad thing, and you should go on being ignorant about

learn about sex if you want to have true happiness
in life – despite what the mainstream puritan media
tells you.


It makes
you HUMAN.

We can
only go so long denying our urges before something
bad happens to us. You wanting to learn more about
sex is really an extension of you wanting to learn
about your happiness.

It is NOT
a bad thing!

the reality: Women rely on men to take the lead. They
desperately want a knight in shining armor to sweep
them away into a world of romance and sexual bliss.

Why do
you think romance novels are so popular? Have you
ever read any of those books? They’re almost straight-up

But that’s
what women want. Remember, they’re just as clueless
about sex most of the time as you are! So if you’re
not able to take control and give them the experience
they desire, they’re going to keep looking until they
find a man who CAN give them what they want!

I can’t
stress enough how important knowing what you’re doing
in bed is. So what’s worse? Feeling a little bit uncomfortable
learning how to pleasure a woman? Or suffering the
heartbreak and possible health problems that come
with a cheating lover?


not alone in not knowing how to give women orgasms.
Most of the male population on this planet don’t know
how to do that!

But this
gives you an amazing opportunity.

This gives
you the chance to stand out and be better that 99%
of the other potential mates your woman has out there!

Think about
it. 50% of men don’t know how to give a woman 1 orgasm.
About 40% can give a woman a single orgasm in one
lovemaking session. 10% are able to give their lovers
more than one orgasm.

I can teach
you how to be in that elite 10 percent. And once there,
you will most likely be a better lover than ANY other
man your woman has ever been with.

Once you’ve
achieved that, are you going to feel like a loser?

think so.

I understand
how important privacy can be.

When you
get your copy of the course, your credit card will
be discreetly billed under “Clickbank.”

No one
will ever know what it is you bought. Not even your
credit card company. All transactions are done through
a secure server, and your financial information isn’t
handled by anyone other than your own bank.

My payment
processor, Clickbank, is also approved by the Better
Business Bureau.

And the
best part is, this course is available for IMMEDIATE

You don’t
have to wait for anything to be shipped to you. As
soon as you’re done ordering you’ll be taken to a
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all in the comfort and safety of your own home.

No one
else but you needs to know you got it.

the thing…

you get your own copy of this course, this is what
you’re getting:

am offering a very limited BETTER THAN
HALF-PRICE DISCOUNT (only for a few
days as a test) since this course is still very

(I’m asking nicely!) do not email me and get
upset if you try and order after this date and
I am no longer accepting orders at this special

Let’s make
something clear:
These techniques will make your life better FOREVER.
It will make sex more enjoyable, your relationship
better, and your life much happier and you can feel
absolutely confident that you are satisfying your
woman like no other man ever has or could.

How Much
Is That Kind Of Confidence Really Worth?.

damn right it is.

Look, this
is an investment… In YOU

It’s an
investment in your happiness. And because this is
about such a sensitive issue, I can understand why
you might still be hesitant to download your own copy
of this secret orgasm tips course.

why I’m going to make you this Personal

you try out the techniques revealed in the Secret
Orgasm Tips course, and you don’t get the results
you want, then I WANT you to ask for your money

have a whopping 60 days to try the techniques
out. If at any time during those 60 days you
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And you
can take that guarantee to the bank, my friend.

what you’ll get in the next couple of minutes…

The Entire Secret Orgasm Tips Course 5 CD
Quality Audios With Over 4 hours
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direct from the master himself David Van Arrick and
8 Information Packed Workbooks and Manuals
that will put you light years ahead of any
man out there.

Major Credit & Debit Cards

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If you’re
truly serious about having great sex, ensuring your
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If you
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Here To Jumpstart Your Sex Life Now!

be so glad you did.

I guarantee


Remember, this is information you can’t find ANYWHERE
else. Not in any bookstore or website… nowhere.
David Van Arrick has pioneered these techniques himself
and has never shared them with anyone… until now.
Here To Get Your Copy Today.

The clock is ticking, after

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When that happens, if you haven’t gotten these secrets
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Remember you get a 100% Money Back Guarantee
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sex you COULD be having if you get this special course.

Here To Jumpstart Your Sex Life Now!

2006, All Rights Reserved

Click here to get Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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