Mass Construction

Product Name: Mass Construction

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If you’re fed up with being confused about WHY you can’t build muscle, workouts that don’t produce results only to see the same “wimpy” guy in the mirror every single day, and frustrated beyond compare about all the “bro-science” being thrown around on social media…then KEEP READING!

Discover How A Skinny, Unconfident And Frail-looking Average guy Uncovered The HIDDEN 30-second SECRET To COMMANDING New Muscle Growth At WILL, All Without Wasted Hours In The Gym, Bogus Supplement Protocols, Or Gaining Fat Of ANY KIND.

RE: 4 Phase Muscle-Building, Symmetry Constructing & Massive Strength 16 Week Program

What’s up, my name is Mitch Muller and I’m completely stoked out of my mind to share the “hidden gem” of muscle growth that I’ve kept secret and locked away for over 10 years!

It’s actually a tremendous honor to share this wealth of knowledge with you, because honestly, what good will it do for YOUR muscle gains by keeping it all to myself?

This rare and uncommon discovery will literally mold, transform and reconstruct the way that you build muscle each and every week from here on out.

Each week you’ll experience rapid, lean muscle growth using my tested and proven NCS™ technology, my extreme PTR™ protocol for recruiting any muscle fiber at will, and my 4 Phase Mass Construction Super System of nutrition and recovery.

This is the exact same system that I’ve used to put on over 40lbs of lean muscle and catapult my reputation in the fitness industry among the world’s best physique pros, not to mention countless interviews and big name sponsorships knocking at my door (almost weekly).

This same system has helped hundreds of my personal training and coaching clients to not only transform their physiques in record time, but has allowed them to discover a whole new world of strength, empowerment and confidence that comes with a BOMB physique!

I will teach you the physically and mentally OPTIMAL Protocol to achieve the body of your dreams – so simple that NO other training program you’ve ever done will come close.

“But Mitch, you’ve been doing this for a long time…won’t it take
me years to achieve the physique that I want?”

This is truly a great question, and one that comes up a lot with my clients.

I thought I did. I thought the magazine articles, website forums and the “big dudes” at the gym were the best resources for training and nutrition.

They had what I wanted so logically speaking, I should probably do the same things that they were doing. Man was I freaking wrong!

I was so blind to the truth that I would literally bounce around from technique to technique praying, hoping, WISHING for something magical to happen.

I was plain dumb, but honestly didn’t know any better!

You see man, just because it took me YEARS to gain the knowledge I needed to pack on 40 pounds of lean mass, doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing.

My past trial and error, pain and confusion for building muscle is NOT your future. Your future has nothing but pure gains and A LOT of newfound confidence, believe me!

If you’re a smarter bodybuilder like myself, you actively look for ways to Simplify the complex – taking the “difficult” ability to build muscle and making it so stupid-simple that ANYONE can understand it.

In my nearly 10 years of active research, study and surrounding myself with some of the brightest minds, coaches, trainers and doctors in the muscle-building world, I can truly say that EVERYTHING I’ve learned has been eye-opening and worthwhile.

Maximizing your results in the gym means having a clear focus
on what you want, having a plan of action to get it, and staying
the course until it’s completed!

This is a solid game plan right? Want to know something awesome?

Following this perfect plan of action for INSANE muscle growthISN’T hard. In fact, it’s the exact opposite.

All of this becomes extremely simple when we first cut through all the B.S. that the bodybuilding industry has fed you -ESPECIALLY social media!

It’s time to replace it with the God-honest TRUTH that will catapult your confidence, shatter all your disbeliefs about building muscle, and finally reward you with the physique of your dreams.

In a minute, you’ll learn exactly that..and MORE!

You’ve TRIED the hardcore workouts, you’ve tried eating like a horse, you’ve tried all the different mixtures of supplements – hoping that one would finally give you the results that you wanted.

But in the end, you went round and round in endless circles until you settled for the same, miserable place that you started.

I’ve felt the pain of not being manly enough to get the girl, and the embarrassment of being weaker than all the other guys around me.

I felt confused because I couldn’t figure out how to put on muscle and get ripped to save my life!

Everyone else seemed to do it so easily and I was left at the back of the line, hopeless.

Truth be told – I HATED IT.

I hated those feelings so much that I completely dedicated my future towards finding the answers, and that’s exactly what I did…

In my freshman year of high school I was 5’8”, and a measly 130 pounds – So weak and scrawny-looking that family and friends would often ask if I ate at all.

I was the skinny/athletic type naturally, so putting on muscle or having the genetics to get huge seemed completely out of the question.

Sports had been my life up to this point, basketball being my first love above all, but I peppered in some other sports here and there – baseball, football and track, just to test the waters – all without much success to where I “fit in” the best.

I was no stranger to hard work, but what I was truly scared of was my lack of confidence and getting girls to notice me.

Heck, I was a zit-covered, full-on puberty-stricken kid with nothing to offer. Being socially awkward and shy was only the beginning of my problems.

Just thinking about it gets me freaking embarrassed!

The Homecoming dance was vastly approaching and since DAY 1 of my high school career, I had my love-struck eyes set on this elegant and seemingly FLAWLESS girl from science class.

Yeah, she was a 10 – maybe more like 100 out of 10.

It just so happened that she was in 2 more of my classes too – SCORE 1 for Mitch!!! Cha-ching!

After building up the long-term courage to finally ask her to the big dance, I found out that she had
said “yes” to someone else.

It was OK though, she turned me down in the most positive of ways and reluctantly offered that I take her best friend instead- OH FREAKING JOY!

Avoiding the thought of being dateless for my first big high school dance, I agreed and went along.

The dance was fun, the music was loud, and I spent some time testing out my social skills a bit by meeting some new people in our group.

All seemed to go as planned until the “slow-dance” song came on. Nerves filled my body, sweat started pouring from my head, and my heart seemed to race like I just finished a 100m sprint at track practice.

Her date was nowhere in sight, so I figured now would be my one-and-only shot at this.

I can’t really tell you what happened during the next few minutes of my life as we stepped side-to-side, holding each other close and sharing a deep connection that I swear was sent directly from Heaven above…

The only thing that I truly know for a fact (I found out years later) was that I was shaking…like uncontrollably shaking…

Like she couldn’t focus on the dance because she thought I might be having a small seizure – shaking.

But hey! At the time I had no idea what was happening, so who freaking cares right? I was on cloud 9 and wasn’t coming down for a long time.

I went home that weekend a NEW MAN. I felt extremely confident about my performance and had a new hope for the future, seeing nothing but hearts in my eyes all the way up until Monday morning.

Oh that dreadful Monday morning…

Arriving fresh to school with my new Nikes, clean new hair cut and swag in my step, my only thoughts were to find her and let her know how I felt.

Rounding the corner to our first period science class, there she was – in a red and white dress, dirty-blonde hair draped around her shoulders, holding an Earth Science book and chatting with a friend.

Just as soon as I started to approach her, her “date” that had been seemingly absent for most of the Homecoming dance, suddenly appeared rushing down the hallway, grabbing her by her shoulders… and kissing her right in front of everyone.

My weak heart felt like it was going to explode at any second.

Sadness, heartbreak and anger seemed to fill my veins as I developed a look on my face that could probably pierce someone’s soul – or even burn through a wall like Superman…or this big dude’s fat, ugly face – one of the two.

I was SO SURE about what had happened at Homecoming.

I literally thought that I had successfully won over the girl of my dreams – and now, all of that was shot to hell in a single second.

She didn’t want the skinny, frail-looking and pathetic lab partner from science class. She wanted the buff, broad-shouldered football stud who was twice my size and then some…

How was there any hope for a guy like me?

Could I change her mind or prove myself in any way?

These questions seemed to pile up in my mind over the course of the day like a stack of unread books.

I skipped dinner and spent 3 hours straight in the small apartment gym where I lived.

The only time I had touched a weight prior to this was a 5lb dumbbell my mom had in the corner of the living room.

I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I had NO IDEA what exercises to do, or how to use the machines or even what muscles did what!

I remember laying down on the bench press in mental pain and anguish with tears rolling down my face, BROKEN.

As I picked up the bar, something unexpected and INCREDIBLE HAPPENED…

It was this very moment that I fell in love with building muscle. Even more than that, I fell in love with using my pain to produce something great – to use it not to hinder me, but to propel me forward.

In this moment I felt the most powerful thing a single person can feel: HOPE.

I had hope that I would never feel weak and scrawny again.

I had hope that soon enough I would be the ONE that girls chased after.

I had hope that the more muscle I built, the more confident I would become and the better my life would be!

No, those are thoughts of a weak man!

Instead, my future was IMMENSE and SUCCESSFUL.

From this point on I dedicated my entire life to finding and seeking after the best, most-proven and irrefutable ways to build muscle – FAST.

There was no time to waste, but a TON of pure mass to gain!

It was only by mere accident that I came across this muscle-building GAME CHANGER system of growth that I’m about to share with you.

The results don’t lie do they?

You have the ability to do the same thing that I did.

You can change the path of your future with 1 pound of muscle at a time.

You can overcome past obstacles and build STRENGTH from it

Today, after gaining 40 pounds of rock hard muscle and building the life of my dreams, my approach has remained super SIMPLE:Work hard, Train smart, and the consistent man will always win.

I don’t believe in wasting time and neither should you!

The first step to achieving the physique of your dreams is to cut through all the B.S. that the muscle-building industry has spoon-fed you for years on end.

Let’s filter out the garbage and give you some REAL answers.

Ask any random person who doesn’t go to the gym and this is the message that they’ll give you. Heck, even ask some of the biggest dudes in your gym this SAME question and it will still be the same message on repeat!

Muscles don’t communicate and grow from heavy weight, they grow from maximal tension and increased stimulus over time.

Think about it, it doesn’t matter if you can bench press 405 pounds or deadlift your house; Did your primary muscle contract maximally to create that movement in the first place, or did you just “loft” it up – bouncing the bar off your chest or “humping” the bar up to a locked-out position?

Not only is this advice for training with heavy weight useless if you can’t use it right, but it’s also opening up a Pandora’s Box of issues down the road for you, like horrible lifting habits (shifting tension where you DON’T want it), tight and/or weak opposing muscle groups, and potential injury.

Using heavy weights to recruit more motor units is only 1 TOOL in your toolbox of Mass Construction.

Think of all the others you’re missing out on, huh?

With NCS, you are now able to FEEL every single muscle that you’re training – maximally. This break through technique is SO POWERFUL, that heavy weight will seem irrelevant, your pumps will be out-of-this-world, and your ability to build new, lean muscle mass starts from your VERY FIRST SET!

Is that too good to be true? Keep reading and you’ll be able to try NCS out for yourself…

While this can be true for SOME guys in the gym – it’s not true for you, at least not anymore! You see, 99% of the big guys in the gym are JUST THAT – Big.

When’s the last time you saw a guy with enormous amounts of muscle, shredded to the bone at the exact same time AND strong as an OX? These are the “unicorns” of the fitness industry because we never see them!

And why are they so rare?

The truth is that the majority of your so-called “gym rats” haven’t uncovered the formula for packing on lean muscle AND burning fat at will.

With Mitch Muller’s 3-Phase Nutrition Foundation, you’re able to flip the “switch” and trigger muscle gain AND fat loss whenever you feel like it, even in the SAME DAY.

The Nutrition Foundation 3-Phase System is your brand new “personal standard” for rapid growth and more importantly – rapid recovery.

Your protein will be set, your fats will be organized, and your carbs will be strategically placed at the optimal times of the day to maximize nutrient absorption and delivery to your working muscles.

The guessing game of what to eat, when to eat it and how much to eat will be a problem of the past, and you’re just a few moments away from unlocking it ALL.

First off, most of us aren’t bodybuilders. Even though I love competing, I’m the first to admit that I don’t want to spend a ton of time in the gym if it’s going to waste, and I know you don’t either.

Have you ever finished a workout and thought to yourself, “Maybe I could do more?”

Or even, “But if I do more sets, could I be at risk for overtraining or doing too much?”

This is what I like to call “pushing past your mental pain barrier.” We each have a limited “cap” on what our bodies and minds are capable of doing in the gym. Since new growth is the goal for training, we must HARNESS this pain becoming aware of our limitations, and accelerate past the “barrier” that our mind created.

What if I told you there was a way to decrease the time you spent in the gym by HALF, recruit twice as many muscle fibers into “hyper-growth”, and know WITHOUT A DOUBT that your effort was sufficient to progress and grow?

AND, what if I told you that this only took 30 seconds of your time?

Do I have your attention yet?

PTR(™) is a brand new protocol that suggests the usage of maximum POSITIVE time under tension, rather than only the negative.

We’ve all heard of “forced negatives” right? This is where you reach the point of failure and a partner will assist in lifting the weight up (positive portion of the contraction) and then allow you to control the negative.

While this is a phenomenal way to break down new muscle tissue and accelerate your pain barrier, it’s not the only way…

The PTR protocol will give you a specific positive time under tension formula for maximizing your gains from not only the negative portion of each rep, but the POSITIVE portion as well!

Can you say, Game-Changer?!

I hope you’re ready to rock and roll because I get EXCITED talking about this!

Did you ever think to yourself:

Is it realistic to put all of this information into a step-by-step process? Can it really be this simple?

The problem is, social media has fed you a complicated disaster of wrong information. You’ll hear one piece of advice from a guru on Facebook, then turn around to another guru on Instagram and hear the exact opposite! Who do you believe?

More importantly, how do you organize all of this information so it actually works for you?

Before today, Your previous muscle-building program wasn’t even a program at all, it was “Bro-science”!

Now, you’ll be guided through the 5 PROVEN “Concrete Foundation” Pillars of Growth that will first prepare your mind for success in this program, and then strategically take you through ALL phases of muscle growth, ONE. AT. A. TIME.

How would it feel to know EXACTLY how to build muscle AND have it mapped out over the next 4 months, or even longer? And what if it was already done for you?

Only PURE and SIMPLE steps of action towards the ALPHA-PHYSIQUE you’ve always wanted.

This Concrete Foundation Map is your cutting-edge blueprint for all the muscle that you build from this day forward. You’ll learn not only the correct ways to start and FINISH the the Mass Construction program, but also how to fit Mass Construction into your fitness lifestyle right now, without wasting time whatsoever!

Take a look at some of the individuals who trusted my guidance and developed their own INCREDIBLE success stories in only a few months time:

“I’ve been “working out” for about 10 years from now, but I had never really seen any substantial change in my physical appearance that entire time. My fitness journey officially began on November 22, 2013 when I decided to message Mitch after running across his profile on Instagram because I was impressed with his success, but most of all I was so happy to find someone in the fitness industry that LOVES fitness and loves the Lord! What started as just a trainer sending a meal plan and workouts to a client, has turning into a great friendship and I could not be more thrilled to be a part of Mindset Fitness! Mitch is an awesome coach and an even better friend. I can always say with confidence  that Mitch Muller is the real deal and will without a doubt help bring great change to anyone’s life if they follow his coaching. Thanks Mitch!”

“Coaching with Mitch has pushed me to the next level, both mentally and physically. In just over 90-days, Mitch mentored me to my first Physique Competition. The results speak for themselves, but one thing you won’t be able to see is how he pushed me mentally. Plus, I knew that investing in a Coach that has similar spiritual goals would only empower me even more. When you start with the mind, everything falls into place. Thanks so much, Mitch!”

“In 12 weeks I have been able to achieve more with my physique than the previous 8 years of training on my own. Mitch gave me all the tools I needed plus provided an incredible amount of support to guide me through the transformation process. Seeing my abs finally pop has made it all worthwhile! Even if you have an extreme work schedule like I do, if you put your mind to something and COMMIT to the work, the results will come. Thanks Mitch!”

“Mitch taught me to understand my body and his training skills and motivation allowed me to loose over 100 lbs and gain some nice muscle all in less then 1 year, Mitch allowed me to truly understand what it takes to commit to a healthy lifestyle and to understand that traditional diets do not work! I found that only building core muscle works to consistently burn fat and increase my metabolism, Thanks Mitch, you are the Best!”

“Throughout the 8 weeks of the training program I was able to learn a lot and develop certain muscle groups in a different way than a ‘normal’ lifting routine. I dropped 3% body fat and gained 5 lean pounds of muscle! I really learned how the different types of training, when compounded and used in the way that Mitch put together; you can really get a lot of blood flow to the muscles very quick and get the most out of each set. I really liked the way he had the super-sets and giant-sets set up. Each week built off the previous week and I felt each week got tougher but at the same time I was developing more so the results were good. My body definitely developed in the past 8 weeks. I really like the size I gained and the shaping of the muscles. What really set my shoulders apart and allowed for good growth and better symmetry to my body was the final 4 weeks. Hitting shoulders 3 days in a row was a killer and got me past my plateau. I feel that after the 8 weeks I have a better mind muscle connection and this will allow me to continue growth and continue to get great lifts. Thanks again Mitch for all the advice and help!”

“A good coach will make his athletes see what they can become rather than what they are! They believe in you, encourage you, teach you and push you to your limits. A good coach becomes an even greater mentor. Mitch coached me for 16 weeks and I never once questioned him. I believed in his methods and trusted his skills. He helped me face my fears, taught me to love myself, and helped me find a passion in the gym again. Mitch is not only a great coach but he is an amazing mentor and I look forward to working another 5weeks toward another goal with you. Thank you for helping me get back on a path that I love and enjoy. If your interested in an amazing coach MEN AND WOMEN then check him out!”

I’m literally holding nothing back with this program. Like I mentioned before, I’m all about SIMPLE. Every ounce of knowledge and experience I’ve gained over the last 10 years has been compiled, organized and simplified into the elite Mass Construction program that you’re about to uncover for yourself.

Today is YOUR day. It’s time to take your physique to a new level of ALPHA! Through the revolutionary Mass Construction system, your potential is ultimately limitless. I will teach you exactly how to construct the physique of your dreams, without drugs, without the B.S., helping you DOMINATE both inside and outside of the gym.

Mass Construction is advancing the muscle-building game in a whole new way. Through a strategic and scientific approach towards building lean mass (without the fat gain), you’ll discover the perfect periodized approach to your workouts.

This 16-Week training manual dives deep into the reasons WHY we do what we do, HOW it’s helping you achieve the physique of your dreams, and the irrefutable science to back it all up. This exact, progressive approach has helped me achieve 40 lean pounds of muscle growth; are you next? Discover it all with Mass Construction.

Within only MINUTES of reading this guide, you’ll be ready to get started with Mass Construction. This is the first step towards a brand new you. In this report you’ll receive a step-by-step blueprint of how to build muscle. How simple can it possibly get?

You DESERVE the guidance that comes with the industries-best muscle-building information. It’s all here for you, mapped out, ready to go. Simply click on the button below to start building muscle in the next 10 minutes!

It’s doesn’t matter where you start, it’s how you finish! Nutrition can be overwhelming if you let it, but thanks to the Mass Construction Anabolic Nutrition Manual, you won’t have to second-guess your efforts in the kitchen again.

Whether you’re just starting your muscle-building journey or a seasoned bodybuilder, my nutrition guide will show you exactly how to customize your nutrition for YOUR body type no one else’s!

ALL of my nutrition secrets are revealed in this page report. Nothing to hide whatsoever. Are you ready to drop body fat and build mass simultaneously? Do you still want to eat your favorite foods at the same time? Allof the answers are here. Click the button below to get instant access!

Ever wonder if the supplements that you’re taking are actually working? What if you’re spending boatloads of cash on crap ingredients and “proprietary blends” that aren’t helping you whatsoever?

In the Supplementation Framework Manual you’ll learn which supplements actually matter, and which do not. On page(34), I reveal the ONE amino acid that you can add to your nutrition regimen RIGHT NOW to supercharge your recovery, and blast out of the worst mass-building plateaus something you WON’T read about in the forums or popular fitness mags.

You can trust me to provide only the BEST and proven recommendations for your supplementation with Mass Construction.

Your supplements don’t have to break the bank either. Follow the plan, and let your budget stay exactly where it is – without unnecessary expenses!

Building a symmetrical and proportioned physique means knowing exactly how to perform the BEST exercises. It’s not about a muscle’s full range of motion – it’s about your range of motion of that particular exercise!

The Mass Symmetry Exercise Execution Guide is made up of over 60 muscle-fiber recruiting exercises for maximum muscle stimulation. You’ll be shown detailed images with the starting and finishing position of each movement.

On top of this, each exercise comes with a complete description of not JUST how to perform it correctly, but my secret “mindset cues” that 99% of the people at your gym have no idea how to do! Learn all of it and more to start doubling your gains TODAY.

I’m a man of progression – and always believed that if you don’t track your workouts, you won’t know what to change if they don’t work! Let’s eliminate all of that nonsense.

To ensure proper progress through your Mass Construction training, you’ll need to stay motivated and held accountable EXACTLY what your Mass Production Workout Sheets will provide daily. I’ve outlined every single workout for you; all you have to do is print it, pull it up on your phone, or study it before-hand to be 100% prepared for your next gym sesh!

Every exercise, set, rep, rest period, tempo, cues, and intensifiers are listed on each page. It’s time to dominate.

Have you ever wo ndered why some guys in the gym have that “certain something” that makes them ALPHA in everyone else’s eyes? It isn’t something that they are born with, it’s something they APPLY every day in the gym…

In this report, I will reveal and INSTALL a new “mental switch” in your mind. What does this switch do? When you know how to use it, you’ll be able to TURN ON your muscle growth with a single decision. Through this step-by-step application, you will be able to physically influence your muscle growth with every workout of this program – and even the rest of your life.

Your abs are the “core” of your aesthetic physique, literally! You can be big and huge, but if you don’t have a solid, ripped midsection then what are you working so hard for? To look good with your shirt ON?

Through this 8-Week program, you will be given my best ab workouts and specific rep ranges that have transformed the way my abs POP on stage and in front of the camera. Use this progressive approach along-side your Mass Construction workouts, or simply do them on their own – either way, in 8 weeks time you’ll have chicks lining up to wash some clothes…

It’s crazy – looking at the price above and thinking about how many years of training knowledge has built up to this point, you’re getting an absolute STEAL! Considering the value of what it would cost for you to do 1-on-1 personal coaching with me, your investment today is only pennies on the dollar.

Needless to say, as you may have experienced some time before, this is a surefire way to spend a ton of money for a resource that will most likely leave you frustrated and pushed towards failure.


You have a proven system designed by a guy who was JUST LIKE YOU, and world-class expert advice that is specifically for you. Ultimately, here’s the best question you should be asking yourself right now:

You’ve heard me preach it from the start – I told you I would cut through all the BS that you’ve been fed through online platforms and social media. So what is the real price that you’d pay for continuing on your muscle-building journey without my guidance, trusting all of those “wanna-be” fitness experts on Instagram and Facebook?

You’ve already tried that nonsense. You’ve done the crappy workouts, you’ve spent tons of wasted hours in the gym, you’ve wasted money over and over again on supplements and coaching – when is it time to say “enough is enough”?

To break all of this down in the simplest way possible, you have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to construct new muscle at will, and never look back. In 10 minutes you could have EVERYTHING at your fingertips – ready to dominate your next workout.

Are you ready to learn the 2 BRAND NEW cutting-edge muscle-building techniques to supercharge your muscle growth?

If you weren’t, you’d be long gone by now, so I’m just as pumped as you are to share the journey right alongside you.

BUT, at the end of the day, your goals are YOUR GOALS. I can’t reach them for you. So ultimately, you only have two options right now going forward:

As your coach, it’s my job to be brutally honest with you if needed, so let’s tackle this head on…

Do you want to continue seeing the same person in the mirror every day for the next 10, 20, 50 years? Do you think your motivation is going to “magically” come to you when you need it most?

You want the confidence that it takes to “get the girl” and never stare down at your shoes when faced with a tough situation again. You want to the confidence and alpha-status that MUSCLE brings…

If you’re second-guessing anything you’ve read up to this point, then
this probably isn’t for you. That’s just me being 100% real with you right now.

So by all means, if you’re dead-set on continuing in your ways of tossing random crap to the wall to see what sticks…, then be prepared to face the same problems you’ve already faced. Social media will still bombard you with all sort of new “tips and tricks” for mass. And there you go – putting another quarter in the merry-go-round – spinning your wheels and going in circles hoping that something will eventually work in your favor.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a gambling man, at least not with my muscle, and I know you aren’t either… Your future is BIGGER than that.

Think about what your life would look like in only a few months and how you’ll feel waking up to NEW YOU in the mirror…

FINALLY, the thought comes into your head… ”Yeah, it was completelyworth it.”

Mass Construction is your one-stop destination for all things muscle. This proven program contains my last 10 years of knowledge, research and expertise all compiled into the simplest mass-building format ever created.

and mapped out your clear and precise plan to the fastest muscle growth you’ve ever experienced…

I can be 100% honest with you right now and say that it won’t be easy, but it DEFINITELY will be worth it!

With Mass Construction, I will not only challenge you, but help to remold you from the gym outwards into your own life. You won’t act the same, you won’t be the same, you’ll be GROWING each and every day, physically and mentally!

This exact muscle-building complete system is what I’ve used to help transform hundreds of average physiques into EXTRAORDINARY pieces of art. It helped me personally gain over 40 pounds of lean muscle, and now it’s YOUR TURN! There’s only one option that makes sense for you as an action-taker, so let’s get it done and put in the work.

It’s time to use Mass Construction to your advantage. Muscle growth has never been this simple…

I’m so confident that you’ll receive eye-catching and jaw-dropping results from the Mass Construction system, that I’m providing a full 60-day money-back guarantee. No hard feelings whatsoever!

Honestly, if you aren’t 100% satisfied then I don’t want your money, simple as that. Your results are my number 1 priority, so test me if you want, I’m ready to accept that challenge hands down.

To be straight to the point, I know as well as my clients that the value I provide with Mass Construction will exceed any other program being released into the fitness industry right now. I can say this with complete confidence because my clients ALWAYS get results and they are absolutely guaranteed, period.

You simply don’t get this extensive amount of service from anyone else – especially at this price. I pride myself in going above and beyond for any motivated individual who approaches me and is ready to take immediate action towards the muscle growth they’ve always wanted!

So here it is broken down again: if after the first 60 days of receiving and applying the Mass Construction 4-Phase system of muscle growth, you STILL aren’t 100% satisfied, or you feel that it is anything less than you expected, I will promptly refund every single penny you paid.

It’s a win-win situation for you. You even get to KEEP the full Mass Construction program to use down the road if you feel like you want to take another shot at building muscle the right way.

I literally took all of the risk on myself with this one. Your purchase is 100% guaranteed.

Click the ADD TO CART button to start building muscle TODAY.

Click the ADD TO CART button to start building muscle TODAY.

P.S. When you grab your copy of Mass Construction today, you’ll not only get a complete RISK-FREE 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on your purchase, but you’ll have access to the unique, proven and tested systems of muscle growthNEVER BEFORE uncovered until NOW.

I’m super pumped to work with you and carve out the AWESOME physique that you deserve. You’re only minutes from getting started on your first workout and I know you’ll be blown away at the things you’ll learn! No more waiting for the perfect moment to take action, we MAKE the perfect moments by seizing the greatest opportunities. So what are you waiting for?

Mass Construction – in a nutshell, takes the complexity of building muscle, breaks it down piece by piece, helps you to build a perfect plan of action, and then motivates you to execute it to the very finish!

The end result? MUSCLE, and LOTS OF IT.

Mass Construction is the only complete periodized and progressive muscle-building program to incorporate NCS and the PTR protocol into the 4-phase, 16-week format. This program is an entire gathering of all of my previous knowledge and secrets for packing on 40lbs of mass in an extremely short time. Mass Construction is built from the foundation of not just me, but SO many others who have completed it as you can see above. You won’t have to second-guess your efforts with your workouts, and you can say goodbye to all the crap information on social media. This is your ideal program for a perfectly-constructed and symmetrical physique!

Mass Construction is formulated to be simple, yet effective; informative yet easy to understand, and most of all: challenging yet REWARDING! have completed it as you can see above. You won’t have to second-guess your efforts with your workouts, and you can say goodbye to all the crap information on social media. This is your ideal program for a perfectly-constructed and symmetrical physique!

Since many of the exercises that I’ve selected for this program involve equipment of some sort, Mass Construction will be used most effectively in the gym setting, rather than at home. Another reason I’ve chosen some of these exercises are due to the “strength” component of your program, which will suggest heavier loads – many times not translating into a “home gym” workout. My goal for you is to help you achieve the MOST from your training, and having all the tools at your fingertips is the most optimal way in my book.

Mass Construction employs two of the newest and most-effective strategies for recruiting new muscle fibers and making your current fibers blow up like balloons! Using Neuromuscular Contraction Sets (NCS), you’ll teach your nerves to contract your muscles optimally without hesitation. This of course means greater muscle growth over time!

Positive Tension Recruitment (PTR) will provide a brand new stimulus to your working sets that you’ve most likely never felt prior to this program or using ANY other muscle-building program out there. Not only will your muscle mass increase, but your strength will soar at the exact same time.

Yes. before compiling my last 10 years of knowledge into this program, I created a BETA test group from my social media following on Instagram and Snapchat. I wanted to do this for the sole reason of proving that Mass Construction could be effective EVEN IF I wasn’t personally taking each client through the workouts themselves.

Since I’m your “digital coach”, it only makes sense right? The before and after pictures prove it, and now it’s your turn to join the Mass Construction Movement and be the next success story!

That’s a funny story, and one you’ll enjoy. It all started with some bodyweight calf raises on a footstool in my childhood kitchen next to the dinner table. I was 16 years old and obsessed with my vertical jump (basketball background).

A thought came to me: “What would happen if I were to ignore the pain, and keep doing calf raises even after?” Was I crazy? I think so.

At first was pain, then fatigue, then the pain travelling up my legs into my butt, then my calves started to become HOT, and then a whole new energy seemed to present itself. It’s like once I got passed the initial point of pain, I unlocked a brand new potential for my calves.

To evolve from this, I started holding contractions of my calves for upwards of 2 whole minutes at a time, and performing slower contractions to make things even harder. My mind-muscle connection was so strong after this that I started applying it to everything I did! And NCS and the PTR protocol were born!

The Mass Construction Supplementation Framework Manual is included in the full Mass Construction program to give you the best and most proven supplement recommendations based on your age, budget, experience and overall goal. Supplements are not mandatory for the success of this program, however as science shows, they can be very helpful along the way!

Along with the Mass Construction Anabolic Nutrition Manual which breaks down your nutrition into bite-size chunks, you’ll also be guided through a simple set up meal plan guide to organize your macro-nutrients, your calories and your specific meals. I’ve even included the optimal TIMING for each of your meals!

In a nutshell, if nutrition is difficult for you, Mass Construction makes it simple.

Yes. I made it a priority in this program to give you my fool-proof, simple-to-use system that will take you step by step through the muscle-building process. All the information is here and ready for you to use!

Competition prep can be super specific depending on the athlete, however the effort that you’ll need to train with leading up into the show is the SAME effort you’ll need to dominate Mass Construction. This program will help you shed off all the unwanted fat, and actually KEEP your hard-earned muscle – potentially growing into the show!

As a beginner, you have a prime foundation to build from. I love working with beginners simply because they haven’t developed any bad habits yet! More importantly, you will learn the correct and optimal way to recruit your muscles from the very start – and SKIP all the hard years of frustration that I personally had to go through.

What I would have given to have this information when I first started!

Science has already proven that even the older population can build new muscle, and that’s an exciting thing. The systems and techniques used in Mass Construction will work for any age group, simply because they can be tailored to fit your specific goal.

Yes! I’ve learned that over my course of working with hundreds of female clients, that the individuals who achieve their goal of a toned and shapely physique, train extremely similar to my male clients. The workouts and training programs are nearly identical. What makes the difference in the end result is not so much the type of workout, but the ability for my clients to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible leaving the gym with confidence every time. This, in turn, translates into a toned figure, flat stomach and curves for days!

Yes. Along with your Mass Construction 16-Week Training Manual and Printable Workout Sheets to provide some of the most epic workouts you’ll ever do, you’ll have access to the Anabolic Nutrition Manual where I explain (in detail), how to optimize your nutrition to burn the most fat while still promoting muscle gain at the same time.

Mass Construction is a 100% digital downloadable product – which means that you’ll have access to it immediately upon purchase. No more waiting around for a shipment to come in the mail.

I’m your guy. If you have any questions or concerns about the program and need a quick response, email my help desk at. Myself or one of my team members will follow up with you!

In all honesty, if you read through the program, learn the information, watch the videos and put it into action, the ONLY THING keeping you from achieving the results that you want is you. As long as you give 100% effort towards your dream physique, you’ll walk away a happy camper with a bunch of muscle to show for it, no doubt!

This is why I slapped on my 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose and I’m super excited to see your transformation! It’s time to do work.

MASS CONSTRUCTION is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals and digital videos files. No physical products will be shipped to you. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Click here to get Mass Construction at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Mass Construction is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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