180 Muscle — 180 Muscle

Product Name: 180 Muscle — 180 Muscle

Click here to get 180 Muscle — 180 Muscle at discounted price while it’s still available…

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180 Muscle — 180 Muscle is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Breakthrough Exercise Techniques Force Your Body Into Sleeve-Splitting Muscle Growth… While Maximizing Testosterone And SHEDDING Fat For An Ageless Body.

All WITHOUT Dangerous Drugs And Wasting Hours In The Gym By Using Non Science Based Workouts That Failed You In The Past…

These 3 evidence-based facts and scientific studies you’ll discover below will shock you… even anger you because you’ll quickly realize how you’ve been misinformed and lied to by the fitness industry.

I’ll be the first to admit, I was extremely skeptical when I first learned of this new breakthrough research.

… Every time you see this little marking (1) next to any of the claims made below it means it’s linked to scientific, peer-reviewed research (the gold standard of studies) confirming everything you’re about to read is 100% substantiated.

Do you know what will strike fear into the heart of every man?

It’s not speaking in front of a crowd. It’s not those moments before you talk to a woman.

Nope, it’s that moment you begin to feel inadequate as a man and realize that over the last few years (or decade) you’re less energetic, you’ve lost control, you’re “fatter,” less muscular, you don’t feel manly like you did in your 20’s and even worse—you have no idea who this “man” is staring back at you.

Imagine looking and feeling better than you did when your were in your prime…

Today you’ll  FINALLY put an end to DANGEROUS and “LIFE THREATENING” belly fat while STOPPING your muscles from wasting away  WITHOUT resorting to any dangerous drugs.

Believe it or not, it is.  Your BEST days CAN be ahead of you.

What you’ll discover today is a new solution that has shamed the most esteemed fitness experts and trainers in the fitness industry.

Guys as young as their 40’s begin to experience a phenomenon know as “Sarcopenia.”

The name sarcopenia is derived from the Greek sarx (flesh) and penia (loss), literally meaning “poverty of flesh.”

For quite a while, all the doctors believed that as we age, testosterone replacement therapy would magically make everything better by preventing muscle loss…

And before you start thinking to yourself about testosterone boosters…NO, they don’t do a DAMN thing.

…The truth of the matter is, these medical treatments and test boosters are not safe.

Remember…drugs NEVER get to the root cause of a problem — instead, drugs are always a “band aid” that simply masks your symptoms and causes problematic side effects over time.

If you ever decide to go on TRT you’ll have to be on it FOREVER!

However, I don’t think you’re someone who wants to mess around with lethal injections, expensive pills or mysterious potions…And you won’t need them anyway.

Because you can prevent your muscles from wasting away no matter what age you are in as little as 2 weeks so you can enjoy more testosterone, increase in strength, stamina and sex drive ALL while improving the quality of your life.

I’m about to tell you exactly how you can prevent, improve and even reverse the rapid decline of muscle that’s very easy, doable and natural.

While everyone loses some muscle with age, it’s possible to slow and even reverse that loss by using these 3 “Never Before” Seen Training Techniques so you can begin to build the kind of body you really want as you age….and it’s not what you think.

It’s pretty easy to imagine how fast you’ll build a strong and powerful body that’s Un-Stoppable when you begin to apply these specialized training techniques so you can build the most amount of lean muscle while burning fat and feel like a man again in the least amount of time.

In a few moments I’ll reveal what those techniques are and show you how to implement them into your training for carving out a chiseled and ageless physique.

And if you are beginning to see the effects of losing muscle, libido, stamina while gaining fat around your midsection year after year…

This could very well be the only answer.

I know it sounds a little far fetched. Yet this simple training technique has helped me go from a soft, weak and lethargic 40 year old to a lean, confident and rock-hard physique.

First, let me introduce myself. Hi. I’m Tim Ernst.  I was a former “Dough Boy” working as a bakery manager.

Fitness has always been a part of my life since 25. Yet, over the years I’ve hit the same roadblocks every man faces with age. Especially when seeing results in the gym…​

Yet I’m here to show you how to bust through these road blocks and experience BIG muscle-building breakthroughs while losing fat whatever age you are…

While avoiding non-effective drug treatments, expensive pills that don’t work, and feeling like all is lost. Here’s how…​

Do you know how to tell if you have low testosterone?

I hate to be the bear of bad news, but if you are not getting at least 4-5 morning erections (aka “morning wood”) you could be suffering from low testosterone levels.

In the adult male, SREs (Sleep Related Erections) are linked to levels of testosterone, with testosterone production also peaking during REM sleep.(1)

As testosterone levels drop, frequency of SREs declines. (2)

According to a recent study published in Scientific Reports, men with lower testosterone levels suffer from accelerated muscle-wasting.

Which is one of the roadblocks most men face when trying to build (or at the very least) maintain muscle as they age.

This can demolish and crush your self-confidence and create a downward spiral for your health, marriage, self worth and quality of life. Eventually, you’ll feel trapped in a muscle-less body.

However, you’re not alone.

Most men don’t realize how low their testosterone levels are and struggle to build lean muscle while losing ugly belly fat.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, don’t worry because many men are in the same boat living in quite desperation.

What I can say through research, I’ve discovered some of the biggest breakthroughs for increasing testosterone and growth hormone naturally WITHOUT the use of steroids and other dangerous drugs as we age.  More on that it just a moment.

If you are exercising and not seeing any results as you age, your current exercise program could be sabotaging your results, setting you back further and further away from building the lean physique you desire.

Exercise selection is CRITICAL if you want to get the MOST out of your workouts and 
FLOOD your body with TESTOSTERONE and GROWTH HORMONE that’s responsible for preventing muscle wastage.

One of the biggest mistakes most guys make is choosing the wrong exercise selection to get the most out of their workout.

You’re being robbed of the results you deserve  because virtually every muscle building program is far too BASIC.

Are you aware that there are certain muscle groups you have to train first in order to release more testosterone and IGF-1?

One study showed that when training muscle in the right order produced a greater anabolic hormonal response relative to reverse sequence in normal-weight young adult men. (6)

Until you understand how to ‘select’ the right exercises to do first…

You’ll Struggle To Produce Testosterone Building Muscle, Get Strong, And Have A Lean Body…

What if I told you “less is more”… and one of the most powerful ways to transform your body FASTER than you imagined is by going to the gym as little as possible… would you believe me?

You see, most guys try working out 5-6 days a week but they lose all motivation when they can’t find the time to schedule it in.  As time goes on and responsibilities start piling up, they give up altogether.

Every year the gyms fill up in January but come March, it’s a ghost town.

Reason why… they made it a New Years Resolution rather than making it a commitment to a lifestyle change.

Slowly but surely they can’t maintain the responsibilities of work, the gym and their family.

Forget about having a social life.

In the end they just throw in the towel and give up their dream of having the body they’ve always desired.

I’m talking about the kind of techniques that when done “effectively” and “efficiently” and performed in the right order, will unleash and flood your bodies ability to grow BIGGER…STRONGER…LEANER…with lasting erections you can hang a wet towel on!

I’ve Used And Witnessed The POWERFUL Effects Of These 3 Specialized Techniques First Hand As It Skyrocketed My Testosterone While Building Lean And Long Lasting Muscle.

If you’re serious about getting ripped and muscular and skyrocketing your testosterone levels with your workouts… here’s the 3 specialized training techniques to get you there..

Most popular bodybuilding programs consist of training primary and secondary muscle groups such as chest/tri’s, back /bi’s, etc…

While this training style has it’s benefits it does NOTHING to increase testosterone, strength, size and burn fat.

Super-setting opposing muscle groups or antagonist/agonist is something entirely different.

Olympic trainer Charles Poliquin stated that many bench press records have been set right after a set of heavy bent rows for back.

It helps because it increases the amount of blood going through the working body parts. This increased circulation results in a fresher blood supply, helping the muscles to work more efficiently with more oxygen.

It also ensures that you’re doing enough work for both sides of the body for better muscular balance.

A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that performing paired sets—commonly called “training opposing muscle” groups—actually produces greater strength gains than traditional sets.  It also was a major time saver that produced the most amount muscle and fat loss. (3)

Protocols high in volume, moderate to high in intensity, using short rest intervals and stressing a large muscle mass, tend to produce the greatest acute hormonal elevations (e.g. testosterone, GH and the catabolic hormone cortisol) compared with low-volume, high-intensity protocols using long rest intervals.

One study showed that after 4 weeks, combining high intensity with low intensity exercise in the same workout for leg press and leg extension increased isokinetic strength, and muscular endurance. (5)

What exactly is lactic acid and DRTS(™) training – how does it work?

By definition lactic acid is produced during intense levels of exercise when the oxygen demands of the muscle fibers increase beyond what the blood is capable of delivering. To produce the energy needed, the body begins another process, which works in the absence of oxygen. (7)

It’s a white milky substance that finds it’s way into your muscles…you begin to feel an intense BURN and PUMP which helps boost Growth Hormone levels in the body.

The body responds to the reduced pH (increased acidity) in the body from the production of Lactic Acid by secreting Growth Hormone. Growth Hormone is a powerful fat loss and muscle building hormone.

Heavy loads coupled with little rest when performing DRTS(™) training increases your circulating blood lactate levels, which increase the acidity of your blood. This increase in blood acidity will TRIGGER the release of growth hormone from one of the body’s most powerful endocrine organs, the pituitary.

Testosterone is also released at an increased rate during the performance of near-maximal DRTS(™) protocols. And directly after a bout of intense training, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) circulates at increased levels for up to forty hours. This leaves the anabolic window wide open for GROWTH potential and recovery.

Different DRTS(™) combinations can help increase muscle fiber activation, produced greater exercise blood lactate (lactic acid), increases energy expenditure (for fat loss), and are used primarily to RAMP up the metabolic stress of a specific portion of a training session. (8)

Essentially, this means you can use specific exercise combos to increase the intensity of work and reach hypertrophy on a specific muscle, helping to GROW FASTER.

DRTS(™) training is used to really SHOCK the muscles, FORCING the body to activate many more muscle fibers than it normally would to perform these exercises.

DRTS(™) simply stands for:  Dynamic – Rep – Triple – Set.

DRTS(™) has been shown to be very beneficial in a hypertrophy-oriented resistance training routine. (9)

When you start applying DRTS(™) training into your workouts you’ll instantly know that you are creating enough “lactic acid” to increase the body’s own Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone.

WITHOUT lactic acid…your body will REFUSE to make more Testosterone an Human Growth Hormone responsible for torching fat, building muscle and SLOWING down the aging process!

DRTS(™) training is more than just doing a simple super-set or giant set.  You have to know how to HIT every angle of a muscle group in order to get the effects you just discovered.

As you just learned, the bottom line is that the more lactic acid you have in your body during your workout – the FASTER you will build lean muscle and shed fat.

Here’s what DRTS(™) training looks like…

At the end of each workout you’ll perform a very dynamic finisher on your secondary muscle groups in opposing fashion like you discovered with antagonist/agonist training.

You’ll be able to hit each muscle group twice a week for maximal muscle growth and you’ll do it all in just 4-45 minute training days which ONLY equals 3 hours or 180 minutes a week.  That’s it, your complete training for the week will only be 180 minutes!

You’ll perform a specific amount of reps on opposing muscle groups that cause a flood of lactic acid…kickstarting a muscle-building and fat burning concoction for an XTREME  body transformation.

TRIPLE or Tri sets are performed at different angles so that every part of the muscle is worked leaving no stone un-turned therefore reaching the lactic threshold responsible for producing LOADS of Testosterone and Growth Hormone.

A very specific amount of “Sets” in all will be performed at the end of your workout when using DRTS training creating the perfect environment for muscle growth and fat loss to occur.

Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Lactic Acid is more critical than your diet or any workout program you follow. You must execute each rep, each set and each exercise using these 3 techniques to kick-start the anabolic hormones responsible for lean muscle growth.

If you fail to apply ALL 3 of these techniques you just learned, it doesn’t matter how disciplined you are with your diet such as, how much protein, carbs, and fats you consume or what workout program you follow.

But if you act on what I just explained starting today, you’ll be way ahead of your buddies and other guys around the world.

Just imagine right NOW what a KILLER body will do for you in your job, marriage, dating relationships, winning the respect of others around you, rekindling an old flame, and the most valuable currency of all, time!

Imagine how you’ll feel right NOW when everything seems to go your way effortlessly because of your NEW physique that only took you a minimal amount of time to achieve.

To increase more testosterone and growth hormone while building noticeable, head-turning muscle WITHOUT  all the negative side effect of dangerous drugs and BOGUS supplements.

And to build a body that’s attractive and get stares from the opposite sex when you walk by.

1000’s of guys in 174 countries have used these EXACT techniques to pack on lean hard rock muscle in the shortest time possible WITHOUT drugs or BOGUS supplements.

My desire is for you to experience the same thing for yourself.

I have put together a step by step system which will unlock the muscle building hormones hidden inside your body.

This program is completely different.

It is different than anything you’ve ever tried in the gym.

It is the first and only workout that utilizes ALL three training techniques… maximized to produce lactic acid responsible for releasing natural testosterone and growth hormone in order to prevent muscle loss and build lean, chiseled and rock hard muscle in just 180 minutes a week!

You’ll ONLY train 4 days a week BUT…hit each muscle group TWICE!

No one’s training program does that!

When you consider the research, it’s pretty obvious to see why you haven’t experienced the results you truly want and deserve:

If you’ve been following any other workout programs… you’re robbing yourself of unleashing the body’s own anabolic hormones for maximal GROWTH.

You might be wondering the significance of the number 180? The number 180 is the most important number in this program because it is the number that has the most scientific significance in 180 Muscle.

The term One Eighty literally means, “Opposite Direction.”  The entire 180 Muscle method program is a complete 12 week workout program where you train opposing muscle groups so you can build strength, size while burning stubborn belly fat.

180 represents the number of minutes in the program (180 minutes a week).

Train only for 45 minutes a day, 4 days a week which equals 180 minutes total a WEEK!

The number 180 was chosen because of the fact that it is the MOST optimal number for many of these variables when it comes to unleashing your body’s own anabolic hormones for maximum muscle growth – naturally at any age!

As will be explained in the program, 180 minutes a week has been proven to be the most optimal amount of time you need a week to notice any amount of muscle gains.

180 is the ideal amount of reps (90 reps antagonist/90 reps agonist) needed to not only build size but, to burn stubborn fat all over your body.

All dedicated to you training specific muscle groups arranged in the correct order so that you can increase testosterone, strength, leanness and muscle.

While standard workouts use the same old progressive model you’ve already tried, 180 Muscle is backed by concrete research optimizing muscle building hormones

180 Muscle offers 3 Awesome and Powerful techniques you have NEVER tried and are guaranteed to challenge your body in new and exciting ways.

I am offering the tools to INCREASE the anabolic hormones that TRIGGER the most amount of muscle WITHOUT the BOGUS supplements or other dangerous drugs.

When you combine ALL 3 specialized training techniques together, you can easily see how 180 Muscle will guarantee more testosterone and muscle while SHEDDING fat in half the time.

180 Muscle is designed for those who want to increase these POWERFUL hormones.

This means no more feeding your body and muscle with BOGUS supplements like “test boosters,” or other dangerous drugs.

Honestly…when you accept your invitation to 180 Muscle…

I will guarantee you’ll grow faster in the shortest time possible in ONLY 180 minutes a WEEK!

Or…you get a complete refund…and still keep the program.

The 180 Muscle Intro Guide lays out in detail the exact training split and how to execute each workout throughout the entire 12 weeks.   This guide is your “go to” source that’s structured to put you on the road to your brand new body. Here’s what to expect…

The 180 Muscle printable workout sheets are split up into 3 unique phases and are essential for tracking progress for each muscle group and setting goals.

Having A GOOD Set Of Abs Sets You Apart From Everyone Else.

Anyone Can Build BIGGER Arms, Chest, Back and Shoulders, But Having A Set Of Abs Is The Name Of The Game.

You’ll get 12 Weeks of Customized Ab Workouts That’s Different Than Your Average Boring Ab Routine.

If You’re A Man Who Wants To Remain A King In The Bedroom, Who Wants More Testosterone, And More Vigor Between The Sheets While Sporting A Ripped, Vascular Body, This ONE time Bonus Will Be The Answer To Your Prayers.

Quite simply: If you learn nothing else from 180 Muscle… as long as you apply and use these “3 specialized techniques”… EVERY workout you try from today will result in bigger, stronger and leaner muscles and you will do it without exposing yourself to injury.

These specialized techniques are so powerful, they’re the core of creating the most amount of testosterone and growth hormone

(He definitely doesn’t know DRTS training that I will teach you or how to reach the lactic threshold in order to optimize testosterone, growth hormone while torching belly fat )

He may not have HEARD how to properly execute the exercises and apply them in the right order – PLUS he won’t invest and include bonuses like I’m giving you for free.

Reason 2:  You’re looking for a way to increase your natural testosterone and growth hormone levels WITHOUT spending HUGE amounts of money on DANGEROUS pills, powders and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the 180 Muscle Method Program we will cheerfully refund you the full purchase price! I really believe the 180 Muscle Method will far exceed your expectations.  In fact if it doesn’t I want you to ask for your money back.  Fair enough?

1. Unlock the power of 180 Muscle by applying 3 UNIQUE training phases and the one and only “DRTS” training for EXPLOSIVE lean muscle gains while TORCHING stubborn belly fat once and for ALL!

2. Struggle with workouts that don’t work (because they do NOTHING to produce the anabolic hormones you need for a stronger, harder and leaner body…)

It’s been said that in your moments of decision your destiny is shaped. What will you decide to do right now? The same thing you’ve been doing so you get the same old results or… will you decide to change your results for the better by joining the thousands of men and women across 174 countries who have already transformed their bodies?

“Train HARD, Eat SMART and Pursue Your DREAMS!”

Introduction guide to understand how to perform and execute the exercises for reps, sets and rest periods.

12 week printable workout sheets broken up into 3 unique phases.

2 BIG bonuses: 12 week ab workouts for building ripped, chiseled coveted six pack abs and 10 testosterone body hacks to increase endurance and libido.

ANSWER: Yes, it’s GREAT for women and can follow it for sure. If you’re ready to work hard, love incorporating challenge-based workouts in the gym, then The 180 Muscle is going to sculpt your body strong, tight and sexy!

ANSWER: NO.  180 Muscle is a complete digital and downloadable program where you’ll get instant access with just a couple of clicks.

ANSWER: YES and NO.  You can do 180 muscle at home if you have adjustable benches, dumbbells, barbells and some machines.

ANSWER:  Absolutely!  180 Muscle is great for older guys who have low testosterone and do not want to resort to TRT or the use of anabolic steroids.

Trust me, you’ll see when you start performing DRTS sets at the end of your workouts!

ANSWER:  Absolutely. When you click the “buy now” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

ANSWER:  Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

ANSWER:  Yes. You can securely purchase “The 10 Day Fat Exterminator System” using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.

(1)  Evans et al. “Concentrations of plasma testosterone in normal men during sleep.” Nature. 1971 Jan 22;229(5282):261-2.

(2)  Granata et al. “Relationship between sleep-related erections and testosterone levels in men.” J Androl. 1997 Sep-Oct;18(5):522-7.

(3)  Robbins, D. W. (2010). The Effect of an Upper-Body Agonist-Antagonist Resistance Training Protocol on Volume and Efficiency. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , 24 (10), 2632-2640.

(4)  Kraemer WJ, Ratamess NA. (2005).  Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training. Sports Med. 2005;35(4):339-61

(5)  Goto, K., Nagasawa, M., Yanagisawa, O., Kizuka, T., Ishii, N., & Takamatsu, K. (2004). Muscular adaptations to combinations of high – and l ow – intensity resistance exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 (4), 730 – 737

(6)  Sheikholeslami-Vatani D, Ahmadi S, Salavati R. (2016). Comparison of the Effects of Resistance Exercise Orders on Number of Repetitions, Serum IGF-1, Testosterone and Cortisol Levels in Normal-Weight and Obese Men. Asian J Sports Med, 2016 Mar 1;7(1):e30503

(7)  University of California – Berkeley, (2006). Lactic Acid Not Athlete’s Poison, But An Energy Source – If You Know How To Use It. ScienceDaily. Retrieved fromwww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/04/060420235214.htm

(8)  Kelleher AR, Hackney KJ, Fairchild TJ, Keslacy S, Ploutz-Snyder LL. (2010) The metabolic costs of reciprocal supersets vs. traditional resistance exercise in young recreationally active adults.  The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2010 Apr;24(4):1043-51

(9)  Schoenfeld, B.J. 2011. The use of specialized training techniques to maximize muscle hypertrophy. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 33 (4), 60–65.(10) Schoenfeld, B. J. (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2857-2872.

Copyright 2016 – 180 Muscle – All Rights Reserved

Click here to get 180 Muscle — 180 Muscle at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

180 Muscle — 180 Muscle is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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